Sunday, December 30, 2012

World Fair Trade Day Video

As we know, I love fair trade products!  It is the holidays and we all love buying chocolates and sweets for our family and friends which is great.  But what about what is in those sweets?  Where do those ingredients come from?  It is really important to make sure that what you are eating is fair trade because you are helping someone to make a better living while eliminating those who are not paying their workers enough or not paying them at all.  Sometimes I feel like videos are easier then reading words so here is an awesome video I found that will help you to understand what fair trade is.  I have also added this organization to the "organizations" page so you can go there for more information.  I hope you enjoy it and I also hope that you are having a fantastic time embracing the holidays!  Merry Hanukah, Christmas, Quanza...

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