Sunday, April 22, 2012

Trader Joe's. Fair Trade Coffee and Chocolates!!!! YUMMMMM!!!!

Trader Joe's is a very good place to get Fair Trade Coffee and Chocolate.  I do not drink coffee but it is a good thing to spread around to people who do because coffee may taste good to you, but you really want to make sure that its from a good source.  Check out these pictures I took when I went to local Trader Joe's a couple weeks ago.

YUMM... YUMM.. YUMM..  These are Chocolates. They have many different sorts, you've got to try some!!!!  Some

Some Fair Trade Coffee.  For those who have trouble waking up in the morning. :)

I Hope you enjoyed the pictures!  Please check out your local Trader Joe's so that you make get some nice organic foods and drinks to put in your kitchen and know that its from a good source!

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