Thursday, May 5, 2011


So, as you guys should know by my last blog post, Nestle used slavery.  I know it's a bummer for all of us! There chocolate taste so good, but, it's about doing the right thing isn't it?  So me, being a Nestle lover has stop eating there slave made chocolate, and if enough people start doing it then Nestle might stop, it's happened with many companies before,but it take a while.  
But that's not what I wanted to talk to you guys about.  My dad job got a job offer to work with Nestle!!!!!!  OMG!  Hopefully he won't take it  because I've already given him like a two hour conversation about it. Or maybe he'll tell them that he will not work with them because the use slavery!!!   YEAH!!!  They will start to lose workers because of this!!!!!!!!!!  What do you think?

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